12 Dog Breeds That’ll Make You Their One and Only

1 month ago 17


Some dogs are friendly with everyone they meet, but others reserve their affection for just one person: their owner. These fiercely loyal and devoted breeds form deep, singular bonds, making them ideal for those seeking a close, one-on-one relationship with their dog. Whether they need constant companionship, protectiveness, or a natural inclination to focus on their favorite human, these dogs give their attention and love almost exclusively to their chosen person. From popular breeds to lesser-known treasures, these dogs thrive when they can fully dedicate themselves to one individual.



Akitas are known for their intense loyalty and protective nature. Originally bred in Japan as hunting and guard dogs, they form deep, lasting bonds with their owners and are often reserved or aloof with strangers. This breed is fiercely protective of their family, particularly their primary caregiver, making them ideal for someone who wants a close, loyal companion. Akitas are independent yet affectionate with their chosen person, often following them from room to room, quietly ensuring they’re never far away. Their loyalty is legendary, making them one of the most devoted breeds.



The Basenji is a lesser-known breed that excels at forming a close bond with a single person. Known for their independence and intelligence, Basenjis can be somewhat aloof with strangers, preferring the company of their chosen human. Once they form a bond, they become deeply loyal and are happiest when spending time with their owner. This breed is highly alert and protective, always monitoring their person to ensure their safety. While they may not be overly affectionate with others, Basenjis dedicate themselves entirely to their one and only, offering deep companionship and devotion.

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus may be small, but their loyalty to their owners is immense. These dogs are known for being affectionate, often attaching themselves closely to one person in the household. Their sole purpose seems to be providing love and companionship, and they’re happiest when they’re right by your side. Shih Tzus have a sweet, gentle nature that makes them excellent lap dogs, always seeking out their favorite person for cuddles and affection. While they can be friendly with others, Shih Tzus has a knack for choosing one individual to shower with their devotion.

Great Pyrenees

the best snout soother for your Great PyreneesShutterstock

The Great Pyrenees is a gentle giant known for its calm demeanor and deep sense of loyalty. Bred to protect livestock, this breed has a strong instinct to guard and watch over their family, particularly their chosen person. Great Pyrenees dogs often form a singular bond with one individual, dedicating themselves entirely to their protection and well-being. Though gentle and affectionate, they are also fiercely independent, quietly ensuring their person is always safe. Their unwavering dedication to their owner makes them a breed that will make you feel like you’re their entire world.



Chihuahuas are known for their big personalities in small bodies, and they tend to form incredibly strong bonds with one person. This breed is highly affectionate and loves to spend time with their chosen individual, often becoming their shadow. Despite their small size, Chihuahuas are fiercely loyal and protective and will do anything to stay close to their favorite human. While they can be wary of strangers, their love for their owner knows no bounds, making them a perfect choice for someone seeking a devoted companion who will always be by their side.

Afghan Hound


Afghan Hounds are known for their independent nature, but they form surprisingly deep bonds with their chosen person. This elegant and aloof breed may initially seem reserved, but they become incredibly loyal and attached once they trust someone. Afghan Hounds have a quiet, dignified way of expressing affection, often preferring to stay close to their favorite person without being overly clingy. Their devotion runs deep, and while they may not be overly demonstrative with others, they have an undeniable bond with their chosen companion that is hard to break.

Belgian Malinois

Belgian MalinoisShutterstock

Belgian Malinois are known for their intelligence, work ethic, and intense loyalty. This breed is closely attached to their handler or owner, often completely devoted to their well-being. Belgian Malinois are frequently used in police and military work, where they bond with one person and follow them with unwavering focus and dedication. In a family setting, they choose one person to protect and will do everything possible to ensure that individual is safe. Their loyalty is unmatched, making them an excellent choice for someone seeking a steadfast, one-on-one companion.

Shetland Sheepdog


Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, are known for their gentle, affectionate nature and deep bond with their owners. This breed thrives on companionship and often becomes strongly attached to one person in the household. Shelties are incredibly loyal and protective, always watching their chosen person to ensure they’re safe and secure. They love to follow their favorite human from room to room, never straying far from their side. With their sweet disposition and unwavering devotion, Shelties make ideal companions for those looking for a dog that will make them their one and only.

Tibetan Mastiff


Tibetan Mastiffs are large, powerful dogs with an equally strong sense of loyalty. Bred to guard livestock and homes, this breed is naturally protective of their family, particularly their chosen individual. Tibetan Mastiffs form deep bonds with one person and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety. They are independent dogs that don’t require constant attention, but their loyalty is undeniable. Tibetan Mastiffs may be reserved with strangers, but their devotion to their owner is fierce, making them a perfect choice for someone looking for a dog that will prioritize them above all else.

Coton de Tulear


The Coton de Tulear is a lesser-known breed that is all about forming close, loving bonds with its owner. These small, fluffy dogs are incredibly affectionate and thrive on human companionship, often choosing one person to devote themselves to. Cotons are known for their playful, joyful nature, but they’re happiest when they’re with their chosen human. They can read their owner’s emotions and stay close by, offering comfort and companionship. With their sweet, loyal personalities, Cotons make excellent dogs for those who want a loving, one-on-one relationship with their pet.

Anatolian Shepherd


Anatolian Shepherds are independent and powerful dogs with a strong protective instinct. Bred to guard livestock, they form deep, loyal bonds with their owner, often choosing one person to protect and watch over. Anatolians are naturally wary of strangers, but their dedication to their chosen person is unwavering. They are not overly affectionate or clingy, but their loyalty runs deep, and they will go to great lengths to ensure their person’s safety. The Anatolian Shepherd is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a dog to be your steadfast guardian and devoted companion.

Japanese Chin


Japanese Chins are small, elegant dogs known for their affectionate nature and strong attachment to their owners. This breed tends to bond closely with one person, following them everywhere and seeking constant companionship. Japanese Chins are loyal and loving, always wanting to be near their chosen human. They have a quiet, gentle way of expressing their devotion, often sitting in their owner’s lap or curling beside them. With their charming personality and deep loyalty, Japanese Chins make wonderful companions for those who want a dog that will make them their one and only.

Dogs That Will Make You Their World


Regarding loyalty and devotion, certain dog breeds stand out for their singular focus on their owner. These dogs form deep, lasting bonds and often choose one person to shower with their love and protection. Whether through their affectionate nature, protective instincts, or constant companionship, these breeds will make you feel like the center of their world. For those seeking a close, one-on-one relationship with their dog, these breeds offer a unique connection that goes beyond companionship, providing unwavering loyalty and dedication for a lifetime.

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