A Grand Scent Work Weekend At The Camp

1 month ago 20

My GBGV Life A Grand Scent Work Weekend At The CampIt was a Grand Scent Work weekend at Camp Phillippo for Madison, Olivia, and Nelson. We spent three full days sniffing and had such a good time. Bailie stayed home and had fun as well with her pet sitter, who came by to walk her each day. The four of us are all at the same level of Scent Work, so we can’t all compete at the same time.

As always, Mom has goals for us to meet during the weekend. We are happy to say, we reached all of the goals we set!

My GBGV Life Madison with title ribbonsI had two goals. Mom wants me to finish up my Masters Title. When the weekend started, I only had my Buried Hide Title. My goals were to finish my Interior and Container Titles. I managed to do both and got to pick some pretty fuchsia element title ribbons to add to my collection. We had hoped I would earn a leg or two in Master Exterior, but that didn’t work out. Exterior is the only element I have left, which is really nice.

My GBGV Life Olivia with Detective Q'sOlivia has had her Masters Title for over two years now. She also has her Detective Title but Mom keeps letting her run Detective for fun. The first day she Q’d in one of the two she entered. Mom was super happy at how they worked out a high hide as a team and they earned second place! There were twenty dogs in the class, and only five titled. The second day she had one search and didn’t Q, but none of the twenty dogs did. Sunday she had another Detective run and she Q’d. Mainly Team Orange had fun and got some good practice in.

My GBGV Life A Grand Scent Work Weekend At The CampMr. Nelson led the success story this Scent Work weekend! He’s only two, but Mom said he could start running Detective. He got two runs, one Saturday and one Sunday. Saturday, Mom messed him up and the judge even told her so. Still he did great and they learned some things about working together. Sunday Nelson took another shot at Detective and he Q’d! Nine of eighteen dogs qualified, and he placed seventh. It is awesome that he Q’d and was even better than two other dogs. Not bad for a young fellow. His search was the concrete area in front of the building, and the whole interior.

My GBGV Life A Grand Scent Work Weekend At The CampNelson’s real goal was to finish his Excellent Title. He needed two Interior Q’s. Day one he Q’d in both of his searches earning one first and one fourth place. That made his Excellent Interior Title and his overall Excellent Title. Since I was doing Master Interiors on Sunday, he had to stay in Excellent and he Q’d in both of those searches with first place in each one. This guy always Q’s. Five out of six search Q’s with three first places it not bad for a young man!

It was a good weekend for our family and we are ready to get back to Nose Work Trials and FastCAT in May. Our noses are all warmed up and ready to sniff!

My GBGV Life is happy, so we’re joining Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday!

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