Fun Sniffing Photos Are Something To Be Thankful For Today

1 week ago 8

My GBGV Life Fun Sniffing Photos Are Something To Be Thankful For TodayWe have some fun sniffing photos from out Michigan Firehouse Museum Trials the beginning of December. Mom said they are part of a Christmas gift for us and for her. We always love good still photos! For today, we chose our favorite ones to put on the blog. They are all my trials but Nelson got to run the Elite-P Trial for fun and we have some photos of him as well. We purchased the photos for our personal use from Genevieve Dever.

My GBGV Life chair rack hideThere was a hide in the middle of the rack of the folding chairs. It is fun for us to see how Nelson and I both found the hide but have very different techniques. Mom says my neck position is crazy, but it works for me. I am not one to jump on things unless there is no other option. Even in our video, you don’t notice my head/nose position which is another reason we always love still photos.

My GBGV Life Nelson chair rack hideNelson is a guy, and a paws on guy. In nose work you can get a fault for pawing so Mom is careful. Thankfully, Nelson is very gentle anytime he puts his giant paws on things. Thank dog that cart had breaks or Nelson would have been quite shocked.

My GBGV Life Nelson getting snacksNaturally, when he finally decided on where to alert on the hide, he became his best “snack monster” self. He’s such a happy boy but even more so whenever food is involved.

My GBGV Life sniffing the bumperIsn’t it crazy how shiny clean these old fire cars are? The bumper is so polished, I can see my nose in it! You might notice all the yellow/black tape strips around. They are parking markers as they move these vehicles frequently for events and such. It helps them when they need to repark them.

My GBGV Life Nelson bumper reflectionNelson could see his nose in action on a slightly rusty but polished bumper. Mom thinks he was sniffing it because my scent was on it. There was no hide on that bumper.

My GBGV Life Fun Sniffing Photos Are Something To Be Thankful For TodayHere’s another reflection which is a partial of my face. It is rare to get reflection photos at nose work trials.

My GBGV Life Fun Sniffing Photos Are Something To Be Thankful For TodayNelson found the hide on the bell. It was supposedly one many dogs missed, including me. It was spreading all over the area making it hard to source, but the guy got it!

My GBGV Life crazy eyes Olivia on odorI found a hide here under the back platform of this old fire truck. Mom loves seeing my crazy eyes look when I am in odor. She calls it before I tell her because my face gives it away.

My GBGV Life table top hideIn my Saturday trial I had a search in the mezzanine above where all the vehicles are parked. There were two hides. One is under the tabletop of this tall table. Mom likes to watch me work out where the odor is coming from. It’s a fun set of photos to end on.

Hope you enjoyed some of our fun sniffing photos from Michigan. We can’t wait to get out and trial some more, but it probably won’t be until March.

We’re joining Brian’s Home Blog in the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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