How Fast A Golden Retriever Can Run?

1 week ago 16

Can golden retrievers run fast? Golden Retrievers are known for their sporty nature. Their ability to run fast depends on these factors: age, physical health, and breed type, whether field or conformation. For example, my golden retriever KENZO is a conformation type. I can’t believe that in his first AKC Fast CAT trial, he achieved an impressive speed of 21.55 mph (9.49 seconds). Are you intrigued if a golden retriever has the potential to run even faster? In this post, you’ll learn more about the running and speed capabilities of a golden retriever.

how fast a golden retriever can run

Golden Retrievers Are Active Dogs

As high-energy dogs, golden retrievers have an enthusiasm for daily physical activities.

Golden Retrievers thrive with daily exercise. They enjoy engaging in fun and exciting games such as the game of fetch (my golden retriever’s favorite game).

Thus, since golden retrievers are known to be active dogs, they benefit from an active lifestyle and ample exercise to help keep them mentally stimulated, happy, and healthy.

Are Golden Retrievers Good at Running?

Yes, golden retrievers can excel in running. They are known to be energetic dogs. So, if you are a runner or enjoy running, a golden retriever is a great running partner.

Golden retrievers may not be the fastest dog breed, but their agility, and endurance in participating in various dog sports make them an excellent competitor.

How Fast Can An Average Golden Retriever Run?

A healthy golden retriever can reach speeds ranging from 20 to 30 miles per hour in short distance runs,

For example, my three-year-old golden retriever KENZO just started participating in American Kennel Club Fast CAT Trials. In his first AKC Fast CAT trial, he ran at 21.55 mph.

So far, in KENZO’s 2nd and 3rd AKC Fast CAT trials, he has maintained a running speed of about 20+ miles per hour in approximately 9+ seconds. You can check out KENZO’s Fast CAT trial videos on our Instagram Reels.

If you want to learn more about Fast CAT, you can read our post: Beginner’s Guide: What is AKC Fast CAT? Dog Sports for Canine Athletes.

can golden retrievers run fast

Fastest Top Speed of a Golden Retriever

From the AKC Fast CAT Lifetime record, golden retriever Topbrass Here Comes The Fireworks has the fastest speed of 35.52 mph. Wow, that is an amazing speed!

It is interesting to know that it’s from Topbrass Retrievers, as my first golden, SUGAR, is a Topbrass dog.

On the other hand, also from the AKC Fast CAT Lifetime record, the slowest run speed of a golden retriever is 8.23 mph achieved by Sonshine’s Optimus Prime.

So, for my golden KENZO to be able to run at a speed of 20+ miles per hour is considered good and 30+ miles per hour running speed is considered very good for a golden retriever.

What Factors Can Affect A Golden Retriever Running Speed?

These are some factors that might affect how a golden retriever runs: golden type, age, weight, physical abilities, overall health conditions, enthusiasm, and running surfaces.

1. Golden Type
From what I observed attending Fast CAT trials, field golden retrievers are leaner, lot of energy, and have less coat overall than golden retrievers bred for conformation.

My golden, KENZO, is bred for conformation. His energy level is moderate, and he has lots of chest fur that looks beautiful when he runs fast.

2, Age Matters
No doubt that a younger golden retriever is more agile and can run faster than an older golden dog. It is normal for golden retrievers to slow down as they age.

3. Weight Plays A Role
Golden retrievers will overeat if food is available. They are prone to being overweight and to obesity. So, for a golden retriever to maintain a good and healthy weight, it is important to provide regular exercise.

4. Physical Abilities
A fit golden retriever will likely have the endurance to run faster. Keeping your golden retriever in good health and tip-top shape is so important.

5. Overall Dog Health
It is important to be observant of your golden retriever dog’s health. They are known to be stoic. Be mindful of any joint pains they may be and symptoms of hip dysplasia. So, for any concerns you may have, always consult your veterinarian.

Also, it is important to provide your dog with a healthy diet and exercise to support energy levels and muscle development.

6. Golden Enthusiasm
Some golden retrievers may lack the enthusiasm to run, just as they might in water or swimming.

They may run but not at a fast pace. Their short runs are very playful and just for fun.

7. Type of Running Surface
Yes, the type of running surface on which your dog runs can definitely affect speed.

Softer ground such as grass is better for dogs to run on than hard surfaces like asphalt and concrete.

At the Fast CAT trials we’ve attended, the ground is sand, considered a soft surface that’s easier on a dog’s joints and paws. Additionally, it provides a more natural environment for them to run in.

how fast a golden retriever can run - are golden retrievers good runners

Golden Retriever Breed Can Run Fast

Golden Retrievers are energetic breeds and athletic dogs. They are not the fastest breed, but they can run fast.

Explore more about Golden Retrievers
on our All About Golden Retrievers page.

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