How to prevent and stop “COUNTER-SURFING”

2 months ago 12

*How to Stop Your Dog from Counter Surfing**

Countersurfing is a common issue where dogs help themselves to food or items on countertops. Here’s how to curb this behavior:

  1. **Manage the Environment:** Keep counters clear of food and tempting items to eliminate opportunities for countersurfing. NEVER EVER, EVER FEED YOUR DOG FOOD FROM THE TABLE OR YOUR PLATE! (this implies to your dog that your food is his food–and will sneak to get it when you aren’t looking!)

(It’s important that one dog does not teach another bad tricks too!)

  1. **Teach “Off” or “Leave It”:** (if your dog is already doing this) Train your dog with commands like “off” or “leave it” to redirect their attention away from the counter.      
  1. **Reinforce Good Behavior:** Reward your dog for staying on the floor or away from the counters. Positive reinforcement with treats or praise strengthens desirable behavior.
  1. **Use Deterrents:** Consider placing deterrents like aluminum foil or double-sided tape on the edges of counters to discourage jumping.
  1. **Increase Activity:** Ensure your dog gets enough physical and mental exercise to reduce boredom and excess energy.

6.**Supervise and Redirect:** Keep an eye on your dog, especially during meal prep, and redirect their focus to toys or activities.

Consistency and patience are key. With time, your dog will learn that snatching things from the counter is off-limits. *** It is important to keep sharp objects and food off all surfaces until your dog is trustworthy, or you are sure they are not exercising this bad habit. (safety is KEY–knocking a knife off that is half-sliced into food—and then they chew it–it could be DEADLY when you imagine what “could” happen). –Donna

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