Memories of Madison’s Journey Through Life

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My GBGV Life Memories of Madison's Journey Through LifeMadison’s journey through life was far too short. We had so many plans that will never be completed. It’s me, her mom, posting one more time about my sweet, little pink, girl. Monday, we will get back to our regular blogging routine. Taking time off, feels odd, but honestly, none of us have felt much like fun, photos, or much of anything else. We needed a bit of time to decide how we will be moving forward.

My GBGV Life picking up MadisonThe untimely passing of Madison is beyond sad. She didn’t even make it to her eighth Gotcha Day which would have been October thirteenth. I drove the seven hours to my breeder to pick up this little cutie. Madison, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I knew we would have so much fun and so much love together.

My GBGV Life Madison in the carNeither of us had any idea what the future would bring, that you would have a younger sister, Olivia, and brother Nelson. That you would enjoy your sports and earn so many titles. Who knew you would be such a people lover, and enjoy traveling so much. Every time I am in the car now I miss seeing your little nose and eyes peeking out your window. Being short you could barely see out but you loved to watch to see where we were headed.

Despite only having eight years, you saw more of the USA than most humans do. Traveling was so much fun together. Thirty three states had the pleasure of meeting you.

My GBGV Life Smokey the BearThe Wyoming trip was one of my favorite trips of all, even seeing Mount Rushmore, and getting to meet Smokey the Bear. For the bear, you even got our your adorable smile. Boy do I miss seeing your smirk/smile.

My GBGV Life Madison in ocean Our Florida trip was so much fun and we got to see so many things together. You getting to run at the FastCAT Invitational was a super special event too. Remember dipping your paws into the ocean in Cocoa Beach?

My GBGV Life Punxy PhilI so enjoyed going east with you. The groundhog in Punxy was a lot of fun. Too bad he was hibernating when we stopped by to visit.

My GBGV Life Memories of Madison's Journey Through LifeAlthough you were super hard to train since you didn’t like or care about food or treats, you still earned a big variety of sports titles. Remember at ten months old you earned your first title, Tracking Dog. You were the only dog to title that day and you were the youngest by far. Such a smart and amazing puppy!

My GBGV Life Surprise! There Is A New Master Rat Hunter In Town!Barn hunt was also a sport you loved and did so well in. You are the first and only GBGV to earn a RATCH Title, the highest title in that sport. When you earned your Masters Barn Hunt Title, you got so many ribbons and Ratty, the singing stuffed rat. You loved Ratty until your last days. I so enjoyed watching you race around the ring hunting and getting straw stuck in your furs.

We dipped our paws into the agility ring, but it really wasn’t our sport. Both of us found it a bit boring and the competitors were not real friendly. Still, you earned your novice titles and then we moved on to other sports.

My GBGV Life Memories of Madison's Journey Through LifeSniffing with you was something else. You did your best to teach me there is no rush, and I lost my mind trying to speed you up. Still, team pink did better than we ever could have imagined. We even moved in sync when the judge talked to us. I cry when I see the pink shoes in the closet or my other pink competition clothes.

My GBGV Life Memories of Madison's Journey Through LifeYou were an amazing model. I could have you do anything and you just did it and looked adorable doing it too. Being so small and cute, you truly were my living stuffed animal. Man, do I ever miss cuddling with you.

My GBGV Life Memories of Madison's Journey Through LifeThank goodness we took one last family photo the day before you left us. I had a photographer scheduled, but you left too soon. This was the best I could do. I loved having all four of you together, it made me so happy. Nelson misses you a lot I think.

My GBGV Life Memories of Madison's Journey Through LifeMadison’s journey has ended. You are always on my mind. I hear you whine sometimes and I know it is you. It was obvious that you were with us last weekend because we saw signs you left for us each day. We will be taking a road trip in two weeks and I don’t even really want to go because you won’t be with us. You were such a big part of our travels, I can’t imagine you not being in the car. We don’t have a lot of photos of the two of us together except with sports but remember this one from riding in the tow truck in Virginia?

My GBGV Life Memories of Madison's Journey Through LifeMadison, you were the little lady dog. You were Miss Manners and the rule follower. Small you were, but you had a larger than life personality. You were the pack leader and a teacher to your younger siblings. Every person you met remembers you because you loved everyone so much. That waggy tail, and friendly greeting of people was like no other ever will be. I miss your nose nudges we had at least a couple times a day, your howling when it took me too long to make your breakfast. Your spot in bed is now empty and it makes me so sad.

I brought you home on Wednesday. Home is where you belong, but I miss you so very much. Your passing in my arms is probably the most special thing that anyone has ever done for me, but I want you back. I can’t put into words how much you have meant to me, but know I love you and I will always love you. Even a book would not be enough space to put down all my wonderful memories of your life. Run free and we will meet again. Love, Mom

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