Nelson Is A New Member Of The NW3 Club!

1 week ago 12

My GBGV Life Nelson Is A New Member Of The NW3 Club!I joined the NW3 Club that our family is the only member of, on the weekend. We went to Union Grove, Wisconsin for my NW3 Trial at the Racine County Fairgrounds. On the way into town we saw this mural and Mom said we would need a photo by it if I got my title. That is a challenge I accepted and won! The sign is even in lime green, so I knew it was meant to be!

My GBGV Life Nelson after searchingMost of my sniffing so far has been at camps or fairgrounds, so the types of areas are something I am familiar with. There is always lots of stuff piled up and animal smells too, but I can work through all of that. Mom took this photo of me after my first interior search. I searched some horse stalls in a big barn. An NW3 has six searches, all are zero to three hides, unknown which is the challenge for the human.

My second two searches were containers. I nailed the first one. As we were leaving the area, the judge was laughing. He told Mom he has judged a lot of dogs over the years, but he has never seen a dog so excited about “his snacks” as I am. That made both Mom and me happy. Remember the photos of me with my “snacks” back in February?

My GBGV Life with ribbonsThe day started our really great, but then the last two searches became a problem for my teammate, aka Mom. I had a big area full of stuff to search and I didn’t tell her about any odor. She was quite upset when we left the area. The next area was similar, but I found one hide. Still, she was not happy. Sometimes it is hard to know what to do to make her happy when I am sniffing. She figured I was just goofing off, even though I am not the type to do that.

After the trial ended we found out how many hides there were and where they were. This is where I found out Mom didn’t believe me in the last two searches. She says we need more pilot hours so she can understand me better. No matter, the main thing is I only missed one hide in my second container search. I earned a leg and since I had a leg from November, I earned my first NW3 Title! There were thirty eight dogs and I placed tenth, which isn’t bad for being only two years old. Team Lime Green is now a member of the exclusive GBGV NW3 Club. We are the only GBGV’s to hold this title, and we need three of them to move to the next level.

My GBGV Life Nelson Is A New Member Of The NW3 Club!I also earned my third NW3 Element Title in Vehicles. After collecting my ribbons, we had a friend take our photo with this silly cow. It’s a fairgrounds, so we thought a farm themed photo would be nice.

My GBGV Life tired guyThis month I have two more chances at NW3 Titles. We will see how that goes. I had a real great time sniffing for my first NW3 Title and when we got back to the hotel, I ate my dinner and it was lights out for this guy! Sniffing is super fun, but it wears me out!

My GBGV Life is happy, so we’re joining Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday!

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