Solace in Photos

1 month ago 18

I need some solace today (dogs are fine!), before I jump into action. While cuddling with Jim this morning, talking about our day, I realized I just didn’t have it in me to write a content-heavy post right now. Jim, bless him, knowing I’d mentioned earlier I needed to cut down the 15,787 photos on my laptop, said “Why don’t you combine the two and post some of your favorite photos, the ones that make you happiest?”As usual, good advice.

So I scrolled through and found what is, out of all the artistic-ish photos I’ve taken, the one that makes me happiest. It is from the Japanese gardens in Portland, OR.

Here’s another, taken in Port Douglas, Australia in ’03 or ‘o4, of my very own George Clooney look-alike. (And, just to be clear, I’m reminded of what one of my friends said when introducing her new beau to her girlfriends: “This is John. My John.” Just saying.

Jim is joined by the other handsome man in my life, taken just a few days after we got him. Some people think we were fools to keep him after we found out he had a bad heart. I have nothing to say to them beyond what’s obvious in this photograph.

And, lest my dearest Maggie, my Maggie Mae, my Princess Margaret, my Sister Magdeline, who turned twelve recently, feels left out: You are the most talented, funniest, and expressive dog I have ever had. I love you to the moon, Funny Girl.

To the flowers, trees, and grasses of all descriptions that bring me joy, and help to keep me sane (mostly): Thank You.

To all the amazing trips I’ve taken (so far!), in part because of the opportunities I’ve had to travel the world, here’s to you (Africa and Alaska).


Because it is not feasible to include even a few of my favorite photographs of family and many, dear friends, I’ll include the one I took of the two Wendy’s in my life, my sister and my niece, taken in 2023, not long before my sister, Wendy Barker, died.

Because it makes me smile, here’s a photo I found from . . . 1965? While visiting an aunt in Texas, my sister Liza and I let ourselves, naively, get picked up by two guys who took us scuba diving at a lake outside of Houston. Lucky for us, they were super responsible young men, who taught us well, took care of us, and got me up out of the deep when I went into honest-to-god rapture, face-to-face with a monstrous grouper. (I am not sure I would have gotten back to the surface in good time, it was AMAZING!) It was also a good reminder of how many good men there are out there. And, the circle of life. (Photos of me in a bathing suit 60 years later are not currently available.)

MEANWHILE, back on the farm: Can’t write much more, apologies, my To Do list this week is ridiculous, but here’s a “Save the Date” alert for on April 5, in Madison, WI.  Dr Wydeven will talk about All Things Wolf in Wisconsin, my talk is tentatively titled “Dogs Are Wolves, Dogs Are Not Wolves.” Both relatively brief talks will be followed me doing my best (or worst, but I guarantee amusing) impression of an auctioneer, auctioning off way cool things (go wolf howling with Adrian, work Skip and Maggie on sheep!), to benefit Green Fire and our state’s environmental health.

One last thing. If you’re reading this on February 3-5, and you’re anywhere near Milwaukee, come join me to listen to Nickolas Butler talk about his newest book, The Forty Year Kiss, at 6:30 in Boswell Books, Milwaukee on Wednesday, April 5th. I know it’s late notice, but if you make it, come and say hi!

I hope your week is a good one, or good enough, and that, perhaps, an old photograph arises above the rapids of life to bring you joy.

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