Tiny Dog Seeks Hilarious Revenge on Dad After Bath Time Meltdown

1 week ago 9

There are two types of dogs in the world: those that absolutely adore water, and those that act like you’re trying to get them into serious trouble just by saying the word “bath.” If you’ve ever come across a dog that loves being wet, you’ll notice how they can’t resist jumping into every pool, lake, or even a puddle. But then there are the dogs who would do anything in their power to stay dry, as if water is their ultimate enemy.

These dogs will hide under the nearest piece of furniture, run out of the room, or give you the saddest look, like they’re being unfairly accused of something terrible.

If your dog fits this description, then you’ll totally understand Oakley, the main character in a hilarious YouTube video. Oakley’s owner decided it was time for a bath, but Oakley strongly disagreed.

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And boy, did Oakley have a lot to say about it!

If you’ve ever wondered what your dog might be thinking when they’re dragged into the bathtub, this video hits the nail on the head. In the video, Oakley, soaked and clearly upset, gives his owner a piece of his mind, creating a hilarious scene. While most of us have to rely on our dog’s body language to figure out that they hate baths—the side-eye, the desperate attempts to escape, and the sad little cries—this video goes a step further.

The creator of the YouTube channel Talking Animals added a funny voiceover to Oakley’s post-bath tantrum, giving us a look at what dogs might actually be thinking after bath time.

Poor Oakley, dripping wet and thoroughly unhappy, wasn’t about to stay silent. Some dogs, like Labradors, Golden Retrievers, or Portuguese Water Dogs, are naturally drawn to water. These breeds are thrilled when they see water and can’t wait to dive right in.

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But Oakley? Oakley’s definitely not one of those dogs.

So, when Oakley’s owner decided to give him a bath, Oakley made sure to express his frustration, loud and clear. As the camera rolled, Oakley hopped around on the carpet, still soaked, yelling at his owner. “I can’t believe you did this to me! Talk about an invasion of privacy!”

Of course, Oakley’s owner pointed out that the bath was necessary because Oakley smelled pretty bad.

But Oakley wasn’t having it.

He took offense at the comment, clearly feeling insulted that his unique dog scent wasn’t being appreciated. How could his owner say something like that?

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Not one to let things slide, Oakley plotted his revenge. In a classic move, he shook off all that water right next to his owner. After all, if Oakley had to go through the misery of being wet, it was only fair his owner got a taste of the experience too, right?

One of the funniest moments in the video is when Oakley, in pure disbelief, complains that even his “BUTT” is wet. You can almost hear the outrage in his voice as he hops around, still trying to get his owner to sympathize with him.

Just when you think Oakley has made his point, he turns up the drama even more, saying, “You have no idea what it’s like.”

His owner’s response? The perfect comeback: “Um, I take a shower every day…”

Poor Oakley just couldn’t understand how his dad didn’t get it!

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Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors

The man responsible is facing felony charges but must never be allowed to own or care for animals again.

The video of Oakley’s epic meltdown has become a hit, capturing the hearts of millions of viewers, and racking up more than 11 million views on YouTube. It’s one of those videos that you can watch again and again, and it never gets old.

One viewer summed it up perfectly, saying, “This makes me laugh no matter how many times I watch it!”

Another fan agreed, commenting, “Still one of my favorite things on the internet. The dubbing is so well done, and Oakley is beyond adorable. This always brightens my day.”

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