Mom and I went to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden to find the Spoonbridge and Cherry and see what else they have. I was there with Madison years ago and Mom wanted to go back. It is across the street from the Walker Art Center.
This Spoonbridge and Cherry is a very famous thing for the city. For some reason we don’t have a photo of it from our previous visit. Thankfully it was a pretty cold morning which means we had the place to ourselves. Mom really didn’t want a lot of people in our photos of this sculpture. Can you tell it is an art park just from this silly chair next to me?
The sculpture is made of stainless steel and aluminum. It is 30x13x52 feet in size and was installed in 1988. In 1985 the sculpture was completely repainted and in 2012, graffiti made it necessary to repair and repaint the entire sculpture. The sculpture was removed and sent to New York in 2021 for complete repainting and was returned in 2022 We always love seeing photos of it as it seems so cheerful and now we have our own photos.
Mom and I decided the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, aside from the spoon and cherry is not our kind of place but we still took a few more photos. The art is odd like this thing. I’m standing on a swinging platform.
Then there is this odd bell with a racing rabbit on top of it. Why? Who knows!
There is another bell in an odd location that we found. It was made for a small church in southern Germany but didn’t have the proper tone and was sent to a salvage yard. Now it rings silently here. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but here it is.
The only other piece of art we like, and there really are not many things on display, is the LOVE sculpture. It is one we can get on board with, and me, literally. Our advice is that it is definitely worth going to this place for the Spoonbridge and Cherry but the rest not so much. We enjoyed seeing the park again but unless we need photos of the Spoonbridge and Cherry, we probably will not be back.
We are joining our friends at Living Laughing and Barking in Our Backyard is for their Nature Friday blog hop.