GBGV Meets New PBGV Friend At Ritter Farm Park

3 weeks ago 17

My GBGV Life GBGV Meets New PBGV Friend At Ritter Farm ParkNelson and I had a GBGV PBGV meet up at Ritter Farm Park on the weekend. Mom got an email from our blog from someone with a PBGV. She wanted to meet a GBGV in person and wondered about meeting up. We said sure and set up the meeting for Sunday. Madison and Nelson were going to go. Unfortunately, Madison couldn’t go, so I got to go instead. The meeting took place at the Ritter Farm Park.

We had hoped the dog park would not be busy because of the heat and humidity, but it was packed. Since both of us are scared of the wild dogs at dog parks, it was decided to meet each other and then take a walk together. Nelson loves girls and the PBGV is a girl, and he also likes other dogs and people. Mom was a bit worried about me as I love mom, but I’m not big on meeting new people or other dogs. Amazingly, when we saw Daphne, we both raced right over and made friends right away. She is so much like us, she fits right into our pack.

My GBGV Life GBGV Meets New PBGV Friend At Ritter Farm ParkWe took almost an hour walk. Thankfully there is a lot of shade at the park, but it was still very warm and humid. You can see by this first photo that our tongues were hanging out. Nelson’s tongue almost drags on the ground because it is so long! No worries, we had some water and no one was overheating.  Daphne is a bit like Madison in the size department, only even smaller. She is very friendly and enjoys walking like we do.

My GBGV Life GBGV Meets New PBGV Friend At Ritter Farm ParkHere is one more photo of the three of us on the way back to our cars. We were all looking forward to getting the A/C cranked up! Madison and I met another PBGV, Quenton, at a FastCAT in Wisconsin almost two years ago. He was the first one we ever met in the furs. We don’t know if we will meet up with our new friend again sometime or not. Madison would love to meet her, so we will see. Making friends is fun and Mom is shocked that I was so interested in new people and a PBGV!

My GBGV Life is happy, so we’re joining Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday!

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