Getting Snacked Up For The Fall Trial Season

3 weeks ago 15

My GBGV Life Getting Snacked Up For The Fall Trial SeasonGetting snacked up is one of my favorite things in life! “It’s all about the snacks.” is my motto. Because I am a snack monster, Mom said I should go along to pick up our order of food and snacks. Since I love car rides , being with my mom, and food, I jumped at the chance. We pick up our main raw food, the 450 pounds or so every few months but in between we also order from another company to get some snacks and some other raw food to give us more variety.

This company has pick up spots around the Twin Cities. We order and then on a certain day, place, and time, we can go pick up our order. There is a person at the pick up spot that allows the jumbo cooler bags to be at her house for people to come by and get their orders. Names are on top of the bags. Mom gets out and goes to get our order and then brings it back to the car to take it home. It is a pretty good system, really.

My GBGV Life Getting Snacked Up For The Fall Trial SeasonShe put the tray with our order on the back seat with me. I took a look to make sure it looked good. She told me she had ordered pork, bison, and beef food, salmon patties because Madison loves salmon, and lots of freeze dried treats for our upcoming competitions this fall.

My GBGV Life Getting Snacked Up For The Fall Trial SeasonBeing a good scent hound, I sniffed through the items and gave my paw of approval. It all smells so good, I could almost drool!

My GBGV Life freeze dried treatsBack home, Mom put the “meal” items in the freezer with the rest of our raw food. She will defrost them randomly and substitute them for our regular meals now and then. I got to sniff the treats up close…pork hearts, turkey gizards, beef liver, and chicken hearts. It is going to be awesome getting these for finding hides! We are all super thankful for all the good food and treats we have in our life.

I also wanted to mention a thing or two about FastCAT and the Invitational. The photo is from 2021 where Olivia won fastest GBGV. Olivia and I are super happy to be in the top five of our breed and to receive an invitation to the event. For our breed, not many dogs run FastCAT. In breeds like Labradors, Poodles, even PBGV’s, the competition is really tough and it remains tough at the Invitational. Olivia is always the fastest GBGV, and she would win at the Invitational barring any injury.

Our original plan was to attend the Invitational with the three of us, me, Olivia, and Madison as we were all in the top five. The year before Bailie, Madison, and Olivia were all invited but Bailie wouldn’t want to go. Anyway, sometime in December 2023, another GBGV slid in and stole the fifth spot from Madison. Mom said if Madison can’t compete, then we won’t go as it wouldn’t be the same with her on the sidelines. As it turns out, we have sniffing events like crazy this fall and would rather do that anyway.

Mom says if I continue to run well, we may go to the Invitational for me in the next year or two, we will see. We’re running again this weekend and may have further FastCAT news after the weekend if things go as planned.

We are all thankful for all the different sports opportunities we all have. It is really fun and the pretty ribbons make it even more fun!

I’m joining Brian’s Home Blog in the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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