Some Good FastCAT Runs In The Books

4 weeks ago 18

My GBGV Life Some Good FastCAT Runs In The BooksNelson and I had some good FastCAT runs last weekend. We each had two runs on Friday and Sunday at the same place as our Scent Work Trial. The plan was to run first and then go do our sniffing. I have not been running very fast for a while now and I was limping the beginning of the week. Out of nowhere the limp started and it disappeared all of the sudden after two days. Mom didn’t expect me to run well. Nelson loves to run but recently his times have been a bit slower.

Friday was not a good day for us in sports. The lure had an issue on Nelson’s first run so he had a slower time and then there was a delay to fix the lure. I was running next and I slipped out of my collar and ran down the track to mom without being timed. For me it was a rerun later. Thankfully both of our second FastCAT runs were really good.

My GBGV Life Some Good FastCAT Runs In The BooksSunday we had two early morning runs each and our times were more in the range they should be. I’m grateful the mysterious limp didn’t reappear and I wasn’t afraid of running. Each of us got four more Q’s toward our next FCAT Titles. Mom says when we run more often our times are better which makes sense. We are running again in two weeks and hope Mom is right. Running FastCAT is so much fun, we all truly love it!

I’m joining Brian’s Home Blog in the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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